"For I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink." Matthew 25:35
The past few months have consisted of feeding hungry kids, ongoing Bible translation for Unreached Peoples to encounter Jesus and discipling and training indigenous missionaries!
What an incredible joy to tangibly share the love of Jesus with these precious kids and their families! Over the past month our African team has served over 6000 meals! We praise God for the opportunity that the community can experience the love of Christ through a hot meal.
We can celebrate that God is moving in the "Island That Must Not Be Named".
After 15 years of sowing into this 99.9% Islamic nation, we are so humbled to see God raising up Indigenous Islanders who have decided to follow Jesus! Kevin's disciple, "M" is passionately committed to translate the Bible into his own language! In partnership with Wycliffe, "M" has translated 7 books so far!
Tonya with students from last year's Love Your Neighbour Bible School on Justice and Peacemaking.
Discipling and Training Indigenous leaders One of our leaders shared with Tonya, "As an African woman coming from the township (slums), I did not know what Jesus would do inside of me in this Bible school. There are deep wounds in me that needed God's healing. What is Christ’s justice for me as a person of color? I believe I am at the most divine place in God’s purpose for me ever in my life.”